sims算法_如何保持“ Sims 4” Mod更新
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Characters from "The Sims 4."

Electronic Arts frequently releases updates and patches for The Sims 4. When this happens, people might experience crashes during the game. Most often, though, mods are the culprit of game corruption. Luckily, there are a few precautions you can take to keep your game running smoothly.

电子艺界经常发布《模拟人生4》的更新和补丁。 发生这种情况时,人们可能会在游戏过程中遇到崩溃的情况。 但是,最常见的是,mod是游戏腐败的元凶。 幸运的是,您可以采取一些预防措施来保持游戏平稳运行。

The Sims 4 team does a really great job of informing people about updates. If you follow @TheSims on , the company shares detailed information after each patch update. also dedicates an entire page to each released patch.

Sims 4团队在向人们通报更新方面做得非常出色。 如果您在关注@TheSims,则在每次更新补丁程序后,该公司都会共享详细信息。 还为每个已发布的补丁分配了整个页面。

Sometimes, the company also releases patch notes after a new expansion to elaborate on the new pack details. However, most of the time, they target bug fixes and other unintentional issues.

有时,公司还会在进行新扩展后发布补丁说明,以详细说明新包装的详细信息。 但是,大多数情况下,它们的目标是漏洞修复和其他意外问题。

When EA releases a patch update for The Sims 4, you have to install it. On Windows, Origin automatically installs updates by default. It notifies you that the game should be updated, and you must then close the game so the update can download. After Origin installs the update and you relaunch the game, the client informs you that all mods have been disabled.

当EA发布《模拟人生4》的补丁更新时,您必须安装它。 在Windows上,默认情况下Origin会自动安装更新。 它通知您应该更新游戏,然后必须关闭游戏才能下载更新。 在Origin安装更新并重新启动游戏之后,客户端会通知您所有mod已被禁用。

Before all of this, though, there are some steps you can take to prepare for a Sims 4 update.

但是,在所有这些之前,您可以采取一些步骤来准备Sims 4更新。

如何准备补丁更新 (How to Prepare for a Patch Update)

There are a few things you can do before you even install an update to help prevent future crashes or game interruptions.


关闭自动更新 (Turn Off Automatic Updates)

If Origin is set to automatically update The Sims 4, and you have mods installed, chances are high some errors might occur. Even if you’re in-game, Origin will notify you that an update has been released.

如果将Origin设置为自动更新Sims 4 ,并且您已经安装了Mod,则很可能会发生一些错误。 即使您在游戏中,Origin也会通知您已发布更新。

If you’re playing The Sims 4 and don’t want to turn off the game for an update, no problem! If you turn off automatic updates, you can choose to download the updates at a later time. This also gives you a chance to prepare your files.

如果您正在玩《模拟人生4》,并且不想关闭游戏进行更新,那就没问题了! 如果关闭自动更新,则可以选择以后再下载更新。 这也使您有机会准备文件。

To do this, select “Origin” at the top left in your Origin client, and then select “Application Settings.” In the “Application” menu, toggle-Off “Automatic Game Updates.” The green slider will switch to gray to indicate automatic updates are turned off.

为此,请在Origin客户端的左上方选择“来源”,然后选择“应用程序设置”。 在“应用程序”菜单中,关闭“自动游戏更新”。 绿色滑块将变为灰色,指示自动更新已关闭。

The Origin "Client Update" menu.

备份“ Sims 4”文件 (Back Up Your “Sims 4” Files)

A lot of gamers use external hard drives to back up their games. Copying a video game folder to an external hard drive is always the safest choice. If your main computer crashes and you never saved your backups anywhere else, your files are likely lost forever. An external hard drive solves that problem.

许多游戏玩家使用外部硬盘驱动器来备份他们的游戏。 将视频游戏文件夹复制到外部硬盘驱动器始终是最安全的选择。 如果您的主计算机崩溃了,并且您从未将备份保存在其他任何地方,则文件可能会永远丢失。 外部硬盘驱动器可以解决该问题。

It’s good practice to back up your files before every patch, and at least twice a month, just in case your computer’s hard drive fails.


For this exercise, simply copying your Sims 4 folder to your desktop will work. We don’t need to perform a real backup, so we’ll just temporarily move a copy off to the side.

对于本练习,只需将Sims 4文件夹复制到桌面即可。 我们不需要执行真正的备份,因此我们只是暂时将副本移到侧面。

On Windows 10, the default location for The Sims 4 is C:\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. Navigate to your Mods folder, and then click and drag the folder to your desktop. EA always disables custom content for every patch update, but perform this step anyway just as an extra precaution.

在Windows 10上, 模拟人生4的默认位置为C:\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods 。 导航到您的Mods文件夹,然后单击并将文件夹拖动到桌面。 EA始终为每个补丁更新禁用自定义内容,但无论如何都应执行此步骤,以作为额外的预防措施。

Depending on how large your Sims 4 folder is, this could take a while.

根据您的Sims 4文件夹的大小,这可能需要一段时间。

更新Origin中的“ The Sims 4” (Update “The Sims 4” in Origin)

It’s now time to download and install the update. After you move your mods folder to your Desktop, navigate to the Origin app, right-click The Sims 4, and then select “Update.”

现在该下载并安装更新了。 将mods文件夹移动到桌面后,导航到Origin应用,右键单击The Sims 4,然后选择“更新”。

补丁更新后该怎么办 (What to Do After a Patch Update)

After a patch update is installed, it’s good practice to launch The Sims 4 with mods disabled. Wait until after this step to move the “Mods” folder from your Desktop back to the Sims 4 folder.

安装补丁更新后,最好在禁用mod的情况下启动Sims 4 。 等待此步骤之后,将“ Mods”文件夹从桌面移回Sims 4文件夹。

Launch The Sims 4. When The Sims 4 client notifies you that custom content is disabled, click “OK”; We’ll re-enable this later.

启动Sims4。Sims 4客户端通知您自定义内容已禁用时,单击“确定”;然后单击“确定”。 我们稍后会重新启用。

The Sims 4 "Mods Disabled" message.

Play around with different game-play features to make sure everything is working correctly, and then close the game without saving.


Important: If you save the game before moving your Mods folder back, some content might be removed from your saved game. Later, after you move your Mods folder back into The Sims 4 folder, households might be broken or might not load correctly. Some Sims might also be missing custom content, like hair and clothes. If this happens, you might have to individually load into every Sims household that’s missing content.

重要提示:如果您在移回Mods文件夹之前保存游戏,则某些内容可能会从保存的游戏中删除。 稍后,将您的Mods文件夹移回Sims 4文件夹后,住户可能会损坏或无法正确加载。 一些模拟人生也可能会缺少自定义内容,例如头发和衣服。 如果发生这种情况,您可能必须分别加载到每个缺少内容的Sims家庭中。

A household showing a male character holding a little boy character in "The Sims 4."

The “Create a Sim” screen won’t automatically load what your Sims were previously wearing, nor will it load missing items from lots. To fix broken households, launch a saved game, and then select “Manage Households” at the top right on the world menu.

“创建模拟市民”屏幕不会自动加载您的模拟市民以前穿着的衣服,也不会加载批次中丢失的物品。 要修复破碎的家庭,请启动保存的游戏,然后在世界菜单右上方选择“管理家庭”。

Click the household you want to edit, and then click the Pencil icon (“Edit, Add, or Remove Sims from the Household in Create a Sim” appears.) You’ll need to re-dress all your broken Sims. You can either replace or reuse the custom content that was missing when the game reloaded.

单击要编辑的家庭,然后单击“铅笔”图标(“在创建Sim中从家庭中编辑,添加或删除Sims”出现。)您需要重新整理所有损坏的Sims。 您可以替换或重复使用重新加载游戏时丢失的自定义内容。

You can avoid this altogether if you close the client without saving when you test a new patch.


The Sims 4 folder automatically generates a new “Mods” folder after you close the game. A “Resource.cfg” file will be the only thing in this folder. You must before you move your original “Mods” folder from your Desktop back to your Sims 4 folder.

关闭游戏后,Sims 4文件夹会自动生成一个新的“ Mods”文件夹。 “ Resource.cfg”文件将是此文件夹中唯一的文件。 您必须先然后才能将原始“ Mods”文件夹从桌面移回到Sims 4文件夹。

如何更新模组 (How to Update Mods)

Most larger mods, like  created by Deaderpool, require updated files that must be downloaded after every EA patch update. If you’re in the script’s dedicated , announcements are made with every release, and they’ll direct you to the recent download file.

大多数较大的mod,例如Deaderpool创建的 ,都需要更新的文件,这些文件必须在每次EA补丁更新后下载。 如果您位于脚本的专用 ,则每个发行版都会发布公告,它们会将您定向到最新的下载文件。

For other mods, most creators announce updates on their websites or social media accounts. In some cases, you can also revisit the mod page to see if the creator has released an updated version. It can be especially troublesome, though, if you can’t recall where you originally found a mod.

对于其他模组,大多数创作者会在其网站或社交媒体帐户上宣布更新。 在某些情况下,您还可以重新访问mod页面,以查看创建者是否发布了更新版本。 但是,如果您不记得最初在哪个Mod中找到它,那将尤其麻烦。

However, most mods have an in-game preview image of the creator. Most creators will also include their names in the .package file you’ll find in your Mods folder. If there are no indications in The Sims 4 client of who the creator is, you might have to give up and remove the mod.

但是,大多数mod都有创建者的游戏内预览图像。 大多数创建者还将其名称包含在您的Mods文件夹中的.package文件中。 如果在《模拟人生4》客户端中没有迹象表明创建者是谁,则您可能不得不放弃并删除该mod。

If you find the custom content online, there are some steps you can take. Mod downloaded pages always include the creator’s name and (usually) contact information. You can usually message the creator and ask about recent updates—just be sure to include the game version number and screenshots of the errors you’re encountering.

如果您在网上找到自定义内容,则可以采取一些步骤。 Mod下载的页面始终包含创建者的姓名和(通常)联系信息。 通常,您可以向创建者发送消息并询问最近的更新-务必确保包括游戏版本号和遇到的错误的屏幕截图。

You’ll find the version number in the lower left of the “Main Menu,” or in your “The Sims 4” folder (just look for the “Game Version” text file).


"The Sims 4" GameVersion text file in a "The Sims 4" folder.

MC Command Center author, Deaderpool, also maintains a “Mods News” channel in Discord which will inform you of many mod updates. Of course, this won’t cover every mod, but it’s a good place to start if you’re hunting for updates to broken content.

MC Command Center的作者Deaderpool还在Discord中维护了一个“ Mods News”频道,该频道将通知您许多Mod更新。 当然,这不会涵盖每个mod,但是如果您正在寻找损坏内容的更新,那么这是一个不错的起点。

The community is also really helpful—you can use the MCCC Discord channel to ask any mod-related questions you might have.

该社区也确实有帮助-您可以使用MCCC Discord频道询问您可能遇到的任何与mod相关的问题。

If you encounter a mod that no longer works and are looking for alternatives, the Deaderpool channel might be able to recommend related mods that are more actively maintained.


At first, this might seem complicated. But the main thing to remember is to always back up your game folder somewhere besides your primary drive. Ideally, it should be located somewhere off your main computer, like an external hard drive, USB device, or online file service, like . It’s better to be prepared in case anything goes wrong.

起初,这似乎很复杂。 但是要记住的主要事情是总是备份游戏文件夹,而不是主驱动器。 理想情况下,它应该位于主计算机之外的某个位置,例如外部硬盘驱动器,USB设备或在线文件服务,例如 。 最好做好准备,以防出现任何问题。




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